Solar Plasmas w/ Electro-Magnetism from Charges

1-Page Nuggets

"How Much Solar Charge, at what Radii ?" Global Minimum and Maximum for Solar Charge from a "Virial Limit"

"Show us the Energy, Ulysses", Satellite "hard limit" of 4.keV Proton "Wind" Energy agrees with Charge-Electric Theory

"Show us the Electric Energy, PSP", Parker Solar Probe Electric Potential versus Radius agrees with Charge-Electric Theory


C.F. Driscoll, "Plasma Sheath Electric Fields and Jets of the Sun and Solar Wind" Poster, Cool Stars 22, 25-28 June 2024, UCSD

C.F. Driscoll, "Plasma Sheath Electric Fields and Jets" Zoom, PSPe-grp, 25-June-2024


C.F. Driscoll, "The Electric Fields and "Lightning Jets" of the Sun and Solar Wind," Physics of Plasmas, 30, 102903 (2023); doi:10.1063/5.0139215

C.F. Driscoll, "Plasma Sheath Electric Fields and Jets of the Sun and Solar Wind," APS/DPP-2023, UM09.03, All Slides and Text.

C.F. Driscoll, "Heliospheric Magnetic Fields Generated by Solar Wind Current Fluctuations," APS/DPP-2023, UO04.15, All Slides and Text.


C.F. Driscoll "The Electric Fields and Electric Jets of the Sun and Solar Wind," DPP-2022 YO07.008; All PDF Slides and Text.

C.F. Driscoll "Heliospheric Magnetic Fields Generated by Solar Wind Current Fluctuations," DPP-2022 NP11.147, All PDF Slides and Text.


C.F. Driscoll "The Electric Field of the Sun and Solar Wind," DPP-2020 TO16.7; All PDF Slides.

C.F. Driscoll "Solar Wind Magnetic Fluctuations Diagnosing Local Currents," DPP-2020 PM10.06; All PDF Slides .

C.F. Driscoll "The Electric field ... Magnetic Fluctuations Diagnosing Local Currents," AGU/fm2020/SH029.20, All PDF Slides .


C.F. Driscoll "Solar Wind: Filamentation, Currents, Magnetic Fluctuations @1AU" DPP-2019 ; All Poster Pages.

C.F. Driscoll "The Electric Field of the Sun and Solar Wind, AGU/fm2019/ ; All Poster Pages.


C.F. Driscoll "The Electric Field of the Sun and Solar Wind" DPP-2018 YO8.05, TP11.64; All Talk & Poster Pages.

C.F. Driscoll "The Electric Field of the Sun and Solar Wind, AGU/fm2019/ #361117; All Poster Pages.



"Traditional Theories" Reference

J.C. Brandt, "Introduction to the Solar Wind" (1970), Excerpts describing the "Parker Spiral", Solar Wind Energetics, and the K-Corona