Welcome To The Nonneutral Plasma Group at UCSD
We are located in the
Physics Department of the University of California, San Diego.
Our group studies the physics of single species plasmas.
The research is characterized by a close collaboration between
experiments and theory. The experimental side of the group is headed by
Prof. C. Fred Driscoll
, while the theoretical side is led by
Prof. Dan Dubin
Prof. Tom O'Neil .
On these pages you will find a complete listing of journal publications our research,
and brief overviews of the experimental apparatuses.
Some Topics on our Research:
Physics 121 Electronic Projects, 2000 - 2010 (CFD)
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation,
the Department of Energy, and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
Focused support from the Office of Naval Research enabled the development and operation
of the EV and IV apparatuses. Early experiments greatly benefitted from the
wit and wisdom
John H. Malmberg .